Cerulian blue, blue lagoon like, sky blue etc. Blue is one of the colors that offers a great variety of shades which is very helpful for the designers.
Lion Bird
If you stare straight at the bird’s feet for a second, a stunningly clear lion’s face emerges. Brilliant design!
Chad 2010
I love this one. There’s a sort of ribbon theme that makes both a face and the continent of Africa.
Simply beautiful use of negative space. The golfer and his swing double as a soldier’s face.
A tent and a pencil.
A pepper and a horn.
Green here is symbolized by a tree and labs is represented by the brain. That’s a sharp looking tree brain!
Another pencil idea very similar to the one above. This one is a parachute and a pencil.
A tongue and a leaf. A little creepy but a great idea!
The letter “G” and a guitar. Simple but effective.
Mr. Couch
This is definitely one of my favorites. The couch has cleverly been crafted to also be a face with a mustache. Excellent work!
Eco Pup
The dog’s ears are leaves. Sometimes subtle is better.
The open envelope creates a house shape.
The open book makes a tent. Not my favorite but it makes for a good visual read.
Australian Pork
This one makes me laugh. Australia has been turned into a pig’s snout!
The city skyline doubles as a row of cell phones.